Michael Brand
Director of Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland, retired, and Land Surveyor
As a retired CEO of the Ordnance of Northern Ireland (a senior civil servant at Assistant Secretary level), I have detailed knowledge of how the Public Service is organized and managed as well as its ethos. I have first hand knowledge of accreditation having successfully guided my own Agency through ISO 9002 and @ Investors in People’. In recent years the role of the customer and quality of service provided was central to the reforms that were introduced by successive governments to the UK Public Sector including that of Northern Ireland. I therefore have over 20 years of managing major change in the public sector.
1955-1959 B.A Hons Geography, University of Leeds
- Land Survey Diploma, School of Military Survey
- Land Chartered Surveyor, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
- Post Graduate Diploma in Photogrammetry, University College
- Chief Executive and Director, Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland
- Key responsibilities: (a) Strategic Direction and Leadership of Agency; (b) Financial Control; (c) Organisational performance Including Quality; (d) Professional Advice and Consultation; (e) Representation and Promotion.
- Compulsory age retired at 60
Founder President of the Global Organisation for Geographic Information
Founder President of the European Umbrella Organisation for GIS (EUROGI) of the EU.
Past Board Member of the Open GIS Consortium (OGC)
Past Member of the Comite Europeen des Responsible de la Cartographie Officielle
Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineering Surveys
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
Fellow of the Irish Institution of Surveyors
Past Chairman of the RICS Northern Ireland Branch
Editorial Committee Royal Irish Academy
Boundary Assessor for Northern Ireland
Past President Automated Mapping/Facilities Management International Europe
Board Member of the UK National Geospatial Data Framework
Founder President of the UK Association of Geographical Information
Past President of the Rotary Club of Wexford
Worked in Africa and Central America for 10 years for the UK Foreign Office from 1960.Various roles in the GB Ordnance Survey in the 70’s including setting up their Research and Development Center. Boundary Surveyor for Northern Ireland.
Since retirement I have undertaken consultative work including that for the UK Overseas Development Agency and the UN in Armenia with regard to their first Population Census since the break up of the USSR.
Languages; English and working knowledge of French and Portuguese
Computer literate.